It Doesn’t Matter if the Client is Ready for Social Media
Posted: 24 Jul 2009 04:30 PM PDT
Some of the most persistent reasons agency PR pros give for lagging on their Social Media knowledge?
“My clients aren’t ready for it … It’s not as big a deal in B2B … etc.”
Newsflash: it does not matter if your clients aren’t ready. The mainstream media are ready.
Forget (for a minute, if you must) the fact that the rest of the world is becoming increasingly engaged in Social Media. The fact is that the Mainstream Media are getting religion.
Yesterday one of my colleagues noted, “I was accustomed to ‘stalking’ the same set of reporters for years. I’d get press clips, sure, but the relationship was very controlled. Since I became friends with these guys on Facebook, we’ve become actual friends. When they visit SF, they ask me for hotel and restaurant recommendations, etc. And, I get a LOT more coverage for my clients.”
Please note that this team member’s clients are among the most techie, B2B, curmudgeonly folks on SHIFT’s roster. The use of Social Media to influence end-users on these clients’ behalf is relatively minor (if not non-existent). However, the use of Social Media to influence the beat reporters in their industries is now a priceless part of our approach.
Imagine if this SHIFTer had personally ignored “the whole Social Media thing” because her clients didn’t care about Twitter and Facebook and bloggers?