Sunday, April 5, 2009

Desperate Housewives: The New Chic

According to Hernandez and Minor (2003), "Advergaming is the use of electronic games to deliver advertising messages in order to build brand awareness, to offer product information, and to provide a means to compare similar products, for the purpose of developing lasting exchange relationships with the customers."

The beauty of advergaming is that most games are made with a demographic already in mind. Meaning, if companies know that Grand Theft Auto is meant for young boys into destruction and cars, they know to sell space to race car and alcohol companies. And since most of the unique gaming ideas are now taken, console companies now have the opportunity to partner with television networks to create games that will have a guaranteed audience based on known ratings. As we all know, the new millennium is all about collaboration!

The Desperate Housewives game is one example of a collaboration between ABC and PC CD.

What makes this game effective is not only its guaranteed audience based on video game savvy television show fans, but also the interactivity that it introduces. What seems to be just another SIMS-like game, gives you adventure and a soap opera all at the same time. This game is based on a new housewife that moves into the neighborhood and starts her dramatic life by interacting with the well-known Desperate Housewives characters, choosing her house and wardrobe, and going on adventures. The game player is the new chic! The game lures bored video game fans into the show by giving them a fantasy life filled with drama and adventure. It keeps the Desperate Housewives fans hooked by allowing them to become part of the show and choose their fantasy life from the beginning while they answer trivia about their favorite show.

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